Motherwort the Lionheart Herb

Motherwort the Lionheart Herb

Motherwort's Latin name, Leonardis cacardia, reflects its dual nature: fierce in protection, yet gentle in healing. Its bond with the lion is etched in its form, reminiscent of a lion’s tail. The herb's cooling energetics counterbalance heat-related conditions and it serves as an ally for the heart, nerves, digestive system, and womb.
Vervain the Wise Woman’s Dream Herb

Vervain the Wise Woman’s Dream Herb

Long respected by wise women, Vervain (Verbena), has been turned to for protection, dreamwork, and developing one's inner senses. Its cooling nature is believed to soothe heat-related ailments and calm the nervous system, easing tension and promoting relaxation.
Yauhtli (Mexican tarragon) the Dream Herb of Ayauh

Yauhtli (Mexican tarragon) the Dream Herb of Ayauh

Mexican tarragon (Tagetes lucida), has woven its way into the tapestry of Mexican mythology and culture for ages. The water herb has a special connection to the spirit of Ayauh, the mist, and therefore the realm of dreams. It is also a fire herb and is said to be useful for conditions related to coldness and dampness.
Memory Travel with Sun Opener Sinicuichi

Memory Travel with Sun Opener Sinicuichi

Sinicuichi (Heimia salicifolia) is an herb known for its memory opening potential and powerful connection to the Sun. The herb has the ability to expand the auditory system, brighten the field of vision, and induce vivid dreams that allow us to travel through our memories, including past lives and prenatal events.
Damiana the Lover’s Dream Herb

Damiana the Lover’s Dream Herb

Damiana (Turnera diffusa) earned its reputation as the herb of love, sex, and passion after centuries of use in lovemaking-related potions. Our ancestors used the herb for its powerful aphrodisiac effects and ability to enhance sex magic. Damiana is also known for inducing vivid, visionary dreams, sometimes erotic in nature.
Lucid Dream with Calea Zacatechichi

Lucid Dream with Calea Zacatechichi

Calea zacatechichi is called THE dream herb because it is one of the most potent oneirogenic plants in the world. The magic is found in REM sleep cycles where dreams are said to be more vibrant, lucid, memorable, and otherworldly.
Heart Healing Herbs

Heart Healing Herbs

When the pain of a traumatized heart center becomes so great that it takes over and is all-consuming, plants are teachers that can help guide us on our healing journey. These herbs have been especially associated with the heart since ancient times.
Connect with Your Ancestors through African Dream Root

Connect with Your Ancestors through African Dream Root

It is said that if you want a certain question answered, with the help of African Dream Root (Silene capensis), the answer will come to you in your dreams from the wisdom of your ancestors. It's a powerful sacred herb used by the Xhosa shaman of South Africa for communicating with those who have passed.
